What a waste! Yeah, you've heard them all. All the puns on your business. To you in the business they were probably funny a thousand times ago. What isn't funny is servicing your customer for a period of time and not being paid.
You've got an incredible overhead in your business. The state, the feds, tipping fees, rolling stock, insurance, taxes, workers, even postage stamps.
BCA Financial Services collection agency has experience in the waste, environmental, garbage or disposal business and whatever else it may be called. We can help recover those unpaid roll-offs and any other account that is delinquent.
Bad debt is a hazard of doing business. All business has some risk and there's always going to be some losses, you understand that. But BCA can help you minimize this risk by recovering at least some of this loss and turning the money back into your business to work for you. Maybe truck No. 261 needs a few thousand dollars worth of tires. We can help.
Don't let those dollars sit on your books. "Time" is everything in the collection game. Oh, wait a minute, "information" is also everything in the collection business as well. I guess these two things are co-everythings.
Regarding the "Time" Factor: Bear in mind, however, that time is every debtor’s ally. The longer a debtor is allowed to ignore a debt, the more factors against successful collection pile up; such as business downturn, marital status, health or income problems, changes of address (usually leaving no forwarding address) and, of course, the mental attitude that comes from having gotten way with it for so long.
Regarding the "Information" factor: Get as much information as possible on new customers on the chance that there is the possibility of default.
Why BCA Financial Services? Because we've got more than 25 of our 39 years in business serving waste disposal companies. Secaucus, Newark, Hackensack, Hawthorne, Jersey City, Lafayette and Clifton are some of the towns our clients have called home.
We don't care what you're picking up either, be it construction debris, medical waste or air conditioners. And we don't care who your debtors are, be they lawyers with shredded paper or restaurants with shrimp shells. You've got to be paid for your service.
So don't waste time. Waste a call or fax or e-mail or website view to BCA Financial Services.
We're at your disposal.
Oh, thank you WasteCo for the picture above. I hope you don't mind our use of it. Maybe one of my clients in the disposal business will buy some of your products. We like your motto: "Leave it to us".
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