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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Trade Publication Collection Agency

Trade Magazine collections are not unfamiliar to BCA Financial Services. They take legwork, diligence and “reach.” Often our clients are in one state, say New York, and their customers (advertisers) are in another, sometimes very distant, state.

A delinquent debtor in say, Utah will understand the cumbersome nature trying to collect your money with so many miles between you.

In the worst-case scenario, BCA Financial Services can sue in the debtor’s state, using a bonded attorney from one of the five attorney referral services to which we subscribe. We say worst case because a debtor company may put up a challenge, however specious, and either delay the case or require an appearance by our client.

Hopefully the case will be successfully collected by our office eliminating the need for this.

Forwarding for suit has to be evaluated by our clients and BCA Financial on a case-by-case basis. The amount, jurisdiction’s court costs and debtor’s viability will be a factor in our mutual decision.

Visit BCA's Web Site often for valuable collection information.

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