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Friday, December 24, 2010

Patients slow to pay doctor in the year 1778

It seems that patients had difficulty paying the doctor at least as far back as 232 years ago.

Check out this recently found article from Kean University's Liberty Hall Magazine dated Fall 2007. (Kean U. is the administrator of Liberty Hall's (Historic Site) property and artifacts.

Dr. David Ramsey was a physician in Charleston, SC. He was a confidant of Liberty Hall's 18th century patriot-resident John Kean.

In the article (excerpt attached) it describes Dr. Ramsey's relationship with John Kean. Their letters to each other had many personal observations, including this one... (click to see clearly).

If you are a resident of New Jersey, or you are visiting New Jersey (Union, NJ specifically--near Newark) you are urged to visit this wonderful historic site. The house is beautiful and the grounds equally so. It's dripping with Revolutionary, American and New Jersey history. If you forget the website, just remember New Jersey's Kean University, I'm sure one could access it from there.
At least "slow pay" doesn't mean "non-pay." BCA Financial Services, a NJ Collection Agency, would like to have helped Dr. Ramsey--but we've only been around since 1968.
Happy Christmas!

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