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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Potential Debt Buying by Abe Lincoln

Status Report: 

To Maria Bullock [1]

Dear Aunt                                                      Springfield, Ills, Jan. 3. 1859

I have recently had two letters from our cousin Charles Carr, [2] in relation to your business. It annoys me to have to say that I can not collect money now. I now believe the quickest way I can get your money is for me to buy the debts of you, as soon as I can get in any money of my own to do it with. I keep some money loaned at ten per cent; and when I can get hold of some, it would be a ready investment for me to just take these debts off your hands; and I shall try to do so. I think it will be better all round than to resort to the law. This does not apply to the small debt of eighty odd dollars, upon which I shall sue and foreclose the mortgage next court.

All well. Yours as ever,



[1]   ALS, IHi.

[2]   Charles D. Carr, an attorney at Lexington, Kentucky, was Mrs. Bullock's nephew. Carr's letters are not extant, and there is no record of Lincoln's purchasing the mortgages

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