Thursday, February 22, 2007

Medical Collections - Keep up with the times!

Just as you wouldn't use this antique "respirator" (from the Evermore Gallery of American Art) on one of your patients, you wouldn't want to apply antique credit and collection methods in your practice.

<---Click on picture for a close-up!

BCA Financial Services Collection Agency remembers the 1970's when we used a personal computer, Apple II with two floppy 5 1/4" disk drives to record and store our data. Today, even our backup drive is 160 gigabyte.

If your bill is not paid, to protect your practice's financial health, all patients must attempt to either recover your payment from their insurance or make arrangements to pay your bill on their own.

Your medical office can guide BCA Financial Services on a case-by-case basis (if necessary) as to the creditworthiness of your patients, but if you can't, we can, by the most up-to-date means legally at our disposal.

Since the Federal collection laws were enacted in 1978, BCA Financial Services has complied with and kept abreast of various changes and interpretations so we, as well as you, can respect your patients' rights and privacy, while maintaining the perserverance needed to collect your money.

With our monetary system, cash flow makes the world go 'round. If you maintain a healthy cash flow in your office, you'll remain a viable practice better able to assist others in need.

<---Here's another medical device (The Evermore Gallery calls it an "Electro-Cardiogram"-it weighs a ton) you would be using if you didn't keep up with the latest technology--which takes money!
Let BCA Financial Services help your practice. We've got the experience and references, knowledge and tact to do a good job for your office.

<---click to enlarge

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