Debtors have been vacationing or otherwise preoccupied with summer goings-on.
The end is near!
While summer may be officially over about September 21st, Labor Day puts everyone back near their homes and jobs. Enough to pay attention to your calls and letters demanding your money.
So get back to work and keep your company healthy with cash-flow.
A BCA Financial Services rallying tip:
This past year at BCA we have seen literally hundreds of claims come in to our office with very little or no “back-up” information.
Remember the last time you obtained a loan at a bank? You sat there and filled out numerous boxes of information so detailed that they can tell you the maiden name of your mother. When you extend credit at your business, it’s not unlike a bank loan. While you may not need as much information as the above bank, you’ll need all the basics—plus: TRADE STYLE for business credit transactions and PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT for consumer transactions.
Protect your business – obtain information when giving credit.
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